Wellness Clarified

A Virtual Wellness Clinic for Individuals & Worksites.

Enjoy our educational counseling programs, blog, videos, and more!

We clarify wellness for you!

Nine out of ten U.S. adults are “metabolically” unwell.

Are you?

Take this 1-MINUTE QUIZ!

We are here to change that.

We help our clients reach optimal health through our METABOLIC ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMS to permit the body’s natural wellness instincts to come alive to finally improve overall health.


It IS possible with our special C.L.E.A.R. Approach to Wellness® made to enhance metabolic health* and tailored to your needs and your desires to help you sustain a DO-able health “style” for life. We educate and empower you!

See more Wellness Clarified SERVICES.

* Nutrition Education & Counseling

for Individuals, Couples, Families & Worksites

* Wellness Coaching

* Corporate Programs

* Nutrition Education & Counseling for Individuals, Couples, Families & Worksites * Wellness Coaching * Corporate Programs

Nutrition & lifestyle counselng for individuals, couples or families to enhance metabolic and overall health.

Metabolic enhancement programs to fill in the gaps of your wellness and medical care offerings.

Nutrition and lifestyle counseling, metabolic enhancement programs or full worksite wellness programs for your employees.

Your Body is Talking to You.

Are You Listening?

If you’ve answered “yes” to one or more quiz items then consider that your metabolic health may be silently (or not so silently) declining.

Our services can help you regain metabolic health and much more.

*The correct phrase is “cardio-metabolic health” which is absolutely vital for good health and a high quality of life. It is a phrase that describes proper cardiovascular and endocrine health AND even immunological and neurological regulation. Without it, all other health or wellness services are null and void. And, it’s only possible with proper nutrition.

We make it easy.

Find the service you need here.

Our C.L.E.A.R. Approach to Wellness® Defined


“C” is for Collaborate, Choose & Connect


We collaborate with you. You are provided vital fundamentals but YOU CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE how you employ them while being guided all along the way. We encourage CONNECTION with others who can help you with your desired goals. We provide you the tools to accomplish all of this.


“L” is for Live with Purpose; Love yourself.


No matter what program is followed or which approach is used none of it matters if you don’t LOVE and respect yourself. We help you develop your sense of PURPOSE and LOVE yourself. This permits healthy behavior change to occur naturally.


“E” is for Education, Efficacy & Empowerment.


Without SELF-EFFICACY one cannot change/improve. We provide EDUCATION (including correct dietary information & guidance) and utilize scientific psychosocial models of behavior change to help you gain self-confidence to EMPOWER you to EVOLVE.

“A” is for Actualize, Allow, Adopt & ADVOCATE!


We encourage you to ACTUALIZE a new identity for yourself, one which ALLOWS healthy behaviors into your life over time. We teach you what these behaviors are and how to ADOPT them. We encourage you to ADVOCATE for yourself in your health journey.


“R” is for Remove, Replace & Recover!


We help you REMOVE the barriers to your wellness and REPLACE them with habits that will help you RECOVER (be more resilient!).